Monday, October 31, 2011

Happy Halloween 2011!

This year, Halloween was awesome! The weather was amazing, and the kids got to do a lot of trick-or-treating. Poor little Calee was pretty tired by the time we were done. It was so cute watching her run up to doors and yell "trick-or-treat".  Our kids came home with their baskets completely full of candy. Bryce and Emmy went out trick-or-treating with us, while Amanda stayed back with Christy and Jen to hand out candy. We had lots of good pizza, treats, and good friends stop by to say hi. our friend Kylie, even took a minute to drop by and eat some pizza with us. It was a very fun night and our kids looked so cute this year.

Haunted Halloween Gingerbread House

Our kids got to to up to Grandma's house last night and make this gingerbread house. They had a blast making it and it ended up looking really cool. They were especially proud of the little ghost on the front.

School Halloween Parade

We got to go and watch the kids in their school Halloween Parade this morning. There were a lot of really cute costumes this year. Alice in Wonderland seemed to be a popular theme this year. There were also a lot of cheerleaders this year too. Carter was an awesome Mad Hatter and Cambree looked so cute in her cheerleader costume.

Halloween 2011 Jack-O-Lanterns

This year we picked out some pretty good pumpkins from Lyle Dabb's farm (The Pumpkin Man), including a very cool 50 lb White pumpkin. Our kids love to scoop out pumpkin guts and carve them. We spent several nights this week carving pumkins. Usually they pick out complicated patterns and I end up carving it for them, but I don't mind. This year we carved Dracula, a witch, a black widow spider, and a ghost. We made our big white pumpkin into Jack Skellington.

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Fright at the Bay!

There was a new Halloween attraction this year called "Fright at the Bay." We met up with Darrin, Hollie, and Payton and we took the kids to Willard Bay where we got to on a wagon ride and look at all the Halloween light displays. The wagon stopped at a pumpkin patch and the kids each got to pick out their very own pumpkin. There were lots of activites for the kids including a hay bale maze, hay jump, pumpkin painting, roasting marshmallows, and even a spook alley. Our kids' most favorite activity, though, was wherewolf laser tag. We got to play laser tag out in the trees and weeds and we had to watch out for wherewolves. They would come out of no-where and run towards you and you would have to hurry and shoot them. Cambree and Calee were pretty freaked out and clung pretty tight to me, but Carter had a blast. We ended up going back  for a second round right before we left. It was a really fun night. The weather was perfect and the kids had a blast.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Calee's field trip to the Fire Station

Calee's pre-school field trip to the Fire Station was wednesday and Christy was able to go with her. Calee wasn't as excited as all the other kids, because Calee spends a lot of time at the Fire Station whenever she comes to see me when. I was sad that I couldn't be there, but I had to be at a workshop in Salt Lake for work. Yesterday was B shift, so Jason Gorder led the kids on their tour. Christy said he did a really good job. Calee said that she had a lot of fun and told all the kids in her class that her Daddy is a firefighter. Christy took a few cute pictures of Calee and her class.
 Cambree peeking out of the ambulance

 Calee sitting on the front of Ladder 21
Calee and her pre-school class

Grandma Call's Annual Halloween Party!

My Grandma Call has always thrown the best Halloween Party every year for as long as I can remember. She always has really good dinner and dessert followed by fun games and activities for the kids. She also has a Halloween craft for the kids to do and BOO Bingo. She even sends out invitations in the mail. She is such an awesome Grandma and we just love her so much. We are so grateful for the time and effort she puts into having such a fun party for the whole family each year. Our kids were excited to dress up in their costumes and they had fun playing all the games and winning lots of fun candy and toys. It was a really fun night. This year Grandma held the party at the Ben Lomond Golf course Clubhouse. It was nice because we had a lot more room and it was more easily accessible for Aunt Karen and her wheelchair.
 Calee the "Fairy Princess" and Cambree the "Cheerleader"
 Carter, the "Mad Hatter"
 Terry the "Rocker"

The kids with Grandma Call