Wednesday, January 23, 2013

A few more b-day pics

Mcdonalds birthday lunch with Mom and Dad
helping Mom make birthday cupcakes
Ending the night with big sister reading on her kindle

Calee turns 5 today!!!


We can't believe that our baby is 5 today!!! It seems like not too long ago we were bringing her home from the hospital as a brand new cute little baby girl. We just love our cute little Calee bug so much. She is so much fun and makes us laugh non-stop. We are so proud of her for doing so well in pre-school and in dance. She is such a good sister and such a good girl. Today was a fun day. She couldn't wait to get up and open some presents before getting ready for pre-school. After presents it was mini pancakes for breakfast. She got to take a birthday treat to school and of course she wanted to take sugar cookies. For lunch, I went and picked her up from school and she chose Mcdonalds. Tonight we had friends and family over for a birthday party for Calee. We made pink cupcakes and she got to open the rest of her presents.