Monday, November 24, 2008
Carter's new glasses!
Well, Christy and I knew when we got married that our kids would all be doomed to wear glasses. We both wore them growing up and still wear glasses. Luckily, glasses are pretty cool these days. Carter has been pretty excited about them since the day he got them. He wears them when he is in class and he takes them off to play at recess. The first day that he wore them to school, he came home all excited because his friend Paige told him that she likes his glasses and that they make him look handsome. I think that he is getting adjusted to wearing them. I can't believe how much older they make him look.
Happy Birthday Grandma!
It was my Grandma Call's 75th birthday today. I just want her to know that I lover her very much and that I think that she is the best grandma ever. I am lucky to have lived close to her my whole entire life. For those that don't know this, my Grandma cooks for the whole family (about 30 people, or more) almost every sunday. Her roast, potatoes & gravy are unbeatable. My Grandma also throws the best Halloween party every year. My Grandma is always fun, always hip, and she loves her grandkids and great-grandkids very much. Happy Birthday Grandma!
Cambree's Field Trip to the Treehouse!
Cambree's pre-school class took a field trip to the Treehouse last week. Our kids love to go to the treehouse. It is one of their favorite places. Christy took Calee and went with Cambree and the rest of her class. Christy snapped these cute pictures of the girls.
Friday, November 21, 2008
Twilight, the day after
Well... I have to admit that the movie Twilight was really good. It was definitely worth staying up late to see. It was fun to see so many people we knew down at the megaplex. I was just glad that there were more guys there than I thought would be there. It was fun for Christy and I to leave our kids with Sami and sneak away in the middle of the night to go see a movie together. We have already decided we are going to the midnight opening of the new Harry Potter movie when it opens in July.
Thursday, November 20, 2008

Many of you know that Christy is a huge Twilight Fan. She has been talking about it for weeks. I couldn't tell you how many times she has shown me the movie trailers on the internet. I have known for awhile that she wanted to be there on opening night and see it. I surprised her this week when I told her that I had bought us two tickets for tonight (opening night) to go see twilight at the megaplex in Ogden. Although I haven't read the books, I have to admit that I am really looking forward to seeing it with Christy.
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Calee gets stitches!
Well, last night Calee decided to stick her finger in the refrigerator door as I was closing it. I didn't realize what had happened at first. All I knew, is that I closed the door, and she started screaming. The next thing I knew, there was blood everywhere and the tip of her finger looked like it was sliced pretty good. We covered it and rushed her over to the IHC clinic in North Ogden. They took x-rays, numbed her finger and gave her three stitches. The Nurses and Doctors at the clinic all fell in love with Calee. They were all so good with her. We go back in a week to get the stitches out.
Field trip to the Ogden Nature Center!
I got to go on a fun field trip to the Ogden Nature Center with Carter and the rest of his 1st grade class today. We rode the bus there, and we learned all about Native Americans. We went on a nature walk (and saw 3 deer). We also sat in a tradional Indian teepee and listened to stories. We finished off by learning how to grind corn into corn meal and how to cook "journey" cakes. The weather was perfect. The kids all had a lot of fun learning about nature and Native Americans. I am glad that I was able to go. It was fun spending the day with Carter.
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Disney on Ice!
Yesterday was a really fun day. We spent the evening down in Salt Lake. We went shopping and ate dinner at the Gateway and then took the kids to Disney on Ice (100 years of magic). Our kids absolutely loved every second of it. We were worried about Calee not liking it, but she loved it more than anyone. She stared at all the characters and squealed like crazy during parts of it. It was really cute to watch her. This Disney on Ice was funner than any others I have seen before. Probably because there were so many different characters this time. It made all of us really miss Disneyland and want to go.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Kevin & Mandy had their baby!
Kevin & Mandy had their baby last night. She was born at 9:04pm. She was 8lbs 7oz and 20 inches long. They named her Isabelle Rene Call. We are really excited for them. Congratulations, She is a little cutey!

Sunday, November 9, 2008
Cute in brown & pink!
Our girls looked really cute today at Church in their matching brown and pink dresses. I can't tell you how many people commented on how adorable they are. Today was the Primary program in Sacrament meeting. I was so proud of Carter and Cambree. They sang their little hearts out. Cambree is the singer in the family. I am amazed at how many primary songs she knows word for word. I always love hearing primary children sing. The spirit was so strong today in sacrament meeting. It was awesome.
These are Cambree's "scripture specs" that she made in her primary class today. She was so proud of them. Of course she had to wear them home today. Tonight when I tucked her into bed, she was wearing them. What a Silly!
Calee is at that age where everyday just gets funner and funner. She crawls all over the place exploring, and now she has been pulling herself up and standing against things. She has learned how to clap and wave bye-bye. She is getting into everything and finding stuff to put in her mouth everywhere she goes. She has really kept us on our toes, but I think this is my favorite age. Calee is such a little sweetheart. Some days it is hard to go to work. I would just rather stay home and play with her.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Election Day!
It is Election Day today. The busiest day of the year for me and a lot of others down here in my office. So far, it has been a very successful election day. Hopefully everyone voted early so you don't have to stand in line. Christy and I voted last week here in the Weber Center. anyway, I remembered this awesome, patriotic picture that I took while we were in San Francisco, overlooking alcatraz, and I thought I would put this on for today.

Saturday, November 1, 2008
Happy Halloween!
We hope everyone had a very fun and safe Halloween! We did at our house. The weather was perfect. We couldn't have asked for a better night. Bryce and I took the kids trick-or-treating while Christy and Amanda handed out candy. We started over by Majestic Elementary and trick-or-treated all the way back to our neighborhood. I think that the kids were pretty tired by the time we were finished. We made it back home just as it started to sprinkle. It was a lot of fun to see all of our friends and neighbors last night and to see how cute their kids were. Bryce was the Burger King this year, and everywhere we went, people were laughing and saying, "Hey Burger King, are you going to put a dollar in my pocket?" It was pretty funny.
Pumpkin Alley
Weber County does a fun thing each year called Pumpkin Alley. They go around to different schools and have kids carve pumpkins and then they put them on display. It is always a lot of fun to go and see so many different pumpkins and see some that are kind of silly. Our kids especially love going to Pumpkin Alley, because they get to see Grandma, who works in the Golden Spike Events Center, and she usually spoils them with extra candy and chocolate milk. This year was really fun because Walmart donated lots of blow-up Halloween decorations. We took Bryce, Amanda, and Emmy with us and they loved it.
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