Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Golden Spike National Historic Monument!

Sunday, we rode our four-wheelers out to the Golden Spike National Historic Monument. We learned that you can't ride your atvs into Golden Spike and park in the parking lot. We had a park ranger promptly meet us out in the parking lot and give us a butt chewing because we all rode our atvs into the park. She made us leave and park them about a mile down the road. The Monument itself was awesome. Our kids loved the trains even though they didn't quite know what it all meant. It was definitely a neat experience. I am glad we were able to go see it.

Calee, Christy, and Emily
Carter, Cambree, and Grandma "Pebbles"


This weekend we were able to go on lots of fun ATV adventures with the kids. Calee went on her first four-wheeler ride and did amazing. There was only one section of trail where she got a little scared, but the rest of the time, she had a blast. Our kids love riding four-wheelers.  Sunday, we rode all the way from Snowville to the Golden Spike National Historic Site out in the desert. It was a long ride and I was worried that our kids would get too tired, but they loved every second of it. Yesterday, on our last ride, Carter and I ran over a great big snake. We thought it was a rattle-snake, but when we stopped to look at it, it had no rattle.

Memorial Day Weekend!

This year we broke tradition and decided not to go to Round Valley up in Morgan. Instead, we decided to go somewhere we have never camped before. We decided to go up to a little city in Northern Utah called Snowville. What is in Snowville, you say? well, not much. A few gas stations, a few diners, and a really cool campground called the Lottie-Dell campground. We stayed at the Lottie-Dell campground which had full hookups for our trailer which was nice. We also had an access road from our camp that led to all kinds of fun ATV trails up on the mountain that we could ride. The weather ended up being really nice and we ended up having lots of fun camping, riding four-wheelers, playing games, and just relaxing. Lottie-Dell also had a lot of really cool antiques to look at and an old driving range with golf clubs and range balls that we could hit. Here are some cool pictures that I took of the kids in the campground.