Monday, December 14, 2009
First Big Snow Storm
Our kids love the snow! The second we got home from church yesterday, they wanted to be outside playing in the snow. Our neighbors and good friends, Bryce and Amanda bought our kids a Snow Castle building set for Christmas. Carter and Cambree were very excited and spent the day building a snow castle. They were upset when we told them it was time to go to Grandma's house for dinner. They wanted to stay and keep building on to their castle.

Gingerbread House
One of our kids' favorite things to do at Christmas time, is to build a Gingerbread House. We always buy a kit and help them build it. They get to do all the decorating with the icing and candy. This year Calee kept trying to take the candy and eat it. Our kids did a really good job decorating their Gingerbread house, and they had a lot of fun doing it.

We took our kids to Cabelas on Friday. We ate upstairs at their restaraunt (the food was amazing). We wandered around and shopped for hours. Our kids loved all the animals and they loved feeding the fish. Their favorite thing was the aquarium. They kept wanting to go back over and over again. We had a lot of fun. I am pretty safe in saying it is our favorite store. I wanted to buy one of just about everything in there. I am glad that we are a family that loves to go camping, fishing, hunting, and be outdoors.

Saturday, December 5, 2009
Skating at the Ice Sheet
Yesterday, I went with Carter on his field trip to the Ice Sheet. We had a blast ice skating. It has been awhile since either of us has been ice skating. Carter was a little shaky at first and falling a lot just like most of the 2nd graders I saw, but by the end when it was time to go, Carter was skating from one end of the rink to the other like a pro. without falling. I was really proud of him. It was fun for me to break away from work and go be with him and have some fun.
Monday, November 30, 2009
Flow Rider
Friday night Kyle called and asked if we wanted to come do Flow Rider down at the Salomon Center. Christy and I took the kids down and We had a blast taking turns body boarding. Carter was really brave and rode with us for about a half an hour. Even when he would have a bad wipe-out he would keep going. Cambree would ride on our backs from time to time. I had fun but I forgot how tiring it was. By the time we left, I was worn out. If you haven't tried Flow Rider, I highly suggest it. It is an absolute blast. Thanks Kyle for the opportunity. It is so nice to have such great family and friends and always nice to have connections at the salomon center.
Thursday, November 19, 2009
New Moon!
Christy got to go see New Moon today down at the Megaplex. She has been waiting for this day to come for quite awhile. Thanks to some connections, Christy was able to go with all the girls today at 5:00. It was the very first showing, and she was excited to be able to see it before most anyone else. She went to a Twilight Party last week with the girls and today she wore her Team Edward shirt. She said that she really loved the movie and that she had lots of fun. A big thanks to Carlie! Tonight Christy brought home all kinds of goodies, but our kids were loving the plastic fang teeth the most.

Saturday, November 14, 2009
Disney On Ice!
We surprised the kids yesterday by taking them to Disney on Ice. We loaded them in the car and didn't tell them where we were going. That always drives them crazy. Carter and Cambree continued to guess over and over, until finally about Centerville, they guessed it. When they found out we were going to Disney on Ice, they both started going crazy in excitement. We had a fun evening together. We ate dinner and did some shopping at the Gateway. We went to the show early so we could buy the kids each a toy. Carter wanted the usual sword and the girls wanted spinning, light-up princess toys. This time it was Disney on Ice, Princess Classics. I think Carter was worried it would be too girly, but he liked it. The girls absolutely loved it. It was so fun to watch Calee and see how excited she would get and to see her dance and wave to all the characters.

Monday, November 9, 2009
Calee's first haircut!
Emily came over the other night and gave Calee her very first hair cut. She sat there so cute and let Emily cut her hair. She didn't say anything or even make a peep. She just sat there so quiet and every once in awhile she would smile a big smile. She looked so cute and like such a big girl. It is hard to see our baby girl grow up.

Thursday, October 29, 2009
Carving Jack-O-Lanterns
One of our favorite things to do as a family is carve pumpkins. Our kids love scooping all the pumpkin goop out. For some reason, they think that is the coolest thing ever. We carved some really cool ones this year. We still have a couple more to carve in the next day or so, but here are our creations so far:
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