Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Calee's Birthday Cake
Calee was lucky enough to have an awesome princess castle cake this year for her birthday. I have three cousins, Ashley, Carlie, and Megan that all love decorating cakes and have become quite good at it. They decided Calee needed a really pretty princess castle cake. I couldn't believe how cool it turned out. I have never seen a cake that cool. Anway, Calee absolutely loved it. She is big into Cinderella lately. She calls cinderella, "lella". It is really cute. Thanks a ton girls for such a great cake. Special thanks to Megan.

Calee turns 2!
Our baby turned 2 years old this saturday. It is so hard to see her grow up so fast. Calee is still our tiny, petite little girl. She has the funnest little personality and she is becoming quite the little talker. She has done really well with her new room and big girl bed.
Calee and Tavyn on Calee's new little pink 4-wheeler
Thursday, January 21, 2010
Dew Tour!
This last weekend we were lucky enough to spend a lot of time at the Dew Tour up at Snowbasin. Friday night a lot of the skiers and snowboarders came down to ifly at the solomon center and we were able to meet them and get autographed posters from them. Then this weekend, Carter and I went up to snowbasin with Kyle and Evan to hang out and get in on some of the action up there. We had VIP passes which got us into the VIP tower and all the Mountain Dew we could drink. We also spent a lot of time in the Dew Tour village scoring a lot of cool free stuff and meeting more pros. Carter and I had a blast. It was probably one of the funnest days I have had in a long time. It was fun to be there and watch everything live and to witness how truly awesome those athletes are. Thanks Kyle and Evan for the hookups. We definitely look forward to the Dew Tour coming back next year.
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Calee's new big girl bed!
Calee got a new big girl bed. Carter moved downstairs into his new room in the basement (which he loves), and Calee moved into Carter's old room. We painted over Carters green walls and now they are pink for Calee. We bought Calee a new bedroom set called "cottage retreat" from Ashley furniture. It is so cute to see our tiny, little Calee cuddled up in a big bed of her own. She is so excited for her new room and she has to show everyone that comes to the house. Cambree is also excited to have her own room all to herself. I can't believe how fast they grow up. Calee turns two years old on the 23rd of this month. She is getting to be such a big girl!

Calee and her baby!
Calee got a new American Girl Doll "bitty baby" for Christmas, and she takes it with her everywhere she goes. She is so cute when she talks to her baby and takes care of it. She also has a little backpack that came with her baby and she always packs it with a blanket and little bottle. These are pictures of her as we were getting ready to go somewhere one night, and she just had to take her baby.

Fun in the snow!
New Years Eve!
Christy concentrating on the guitar
We spent New Years Eve the same way we always do. We stayed home where it was warm. We ordered Pizzaria Pizza, had friends over and played games. We had a blast playing Rock Band Country and Super Mario Bros. on the Wii. We stayed up late eating lots of junk food and playing cards while the kids ran around the house playing. Our kids stayed up till midnight. We went outside and lit sparklers and watched the kids run around the driveway with sparklers. We had neighbors lighting off lots of illegal fireworks and Carter wanted me to light off fireworks, but all we had was sparklers. It was a fun night.
Saturday, January 2, 2010
Calee and her new Phone
Christmas Day
We had a really nice Christmas this year. My only complaint is that it came and went way too fast. We spoiled our kids rotten this year. Every year we say that we aren't going to go overboard, but we always do. It is way too hard not to spoil them. It was so much fun to watch them get so excited for Santa Clause to come. They were so excited to set out cookies and milk for Santa and to set their stockings out and get their own little "areas" of the family room ready for Santa to come. This year Christy and I bought each other clothes and few little things, but our main present to each other was a new snowblower. I'll have to say, I am proud of my kids. They really know what Christmas is about. They know we celebrate it because of Christ's birth. Each night we tried to read a Christmas book with them and feel the Christmas spirit, so they can remember that Christmas is more than just Santa and presents.

Making Christmas sugar cookies
This year Christy made sugar cookies to take to Cambree's kindergarten class. They each got to frost and decorate a sugar cookie. It was a real hit. The kids loved decorating and eating Christmas sugar cookies. Of course we had extras, so Carter and Cambree sat and frosted and decorated the rest of them to take around to family and friends.

Cambree's Christmas concert
This year we got to Cambree's Christmas kindergarten choir performance early so we could sit up close to the front. She looked so pretty in her red, sparkly Christmas dress. She is the little singer of the family and she did such a good job singing all the Christmas songs. Her favorite song this year was "We wish you a merry Christmas" that they changed to say "We fish you a hairy Christmoose" complete with actions. It was very cute.
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