This year Christmas was on a Sunday and so we gave the children a choice. Wake up, go to church at 9:00 and then come home and unwrap presents or get up early, unwrap presents and then go to church. Of course our kids opted to wake up early and open presents first. Christmas morning was exciting. It is always so fun to see the excitement in their eyes when they come out and see everything that Santa brought. Our girls wanted a Barbie house and Barbie anything and everything to go along with it, Carter wanted a new Apple Itouch, Xbox games, Legos and Nerf guns. Well, just like every other year, Santa spoiled them rotten. They deserve it though. They are such good kids.
Proud of his new Apple Itouch

Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3
The Barbie House Santa brought or should I say "Barbie Mansion"