Monday, August 31, 2009
Cambree's first day of Kindergarten!
Today was Cambree's first day as a Majestic Mountaineer! We still can't believe that she is in kindergarten. It seems like just yesterday we were dropping Carter off for his first day of pre-school. Now we have 2 in elementary school. Cambree is really excited for school. She is our little social butterfly. She also is a little smarty-pants. She is far more advanced than Carter ever was when he started kindergarten. She knows her alphabet, all her sounds, her address, phone number, and she can write her name. She also has even started to try and read with me and Carter every night. She loves to do homework and activity books. She is going to be one of those kids that breezes through school. Today when I got home from work, I asked her how her first day of school was, and she said, " Oh, Dad! It was Awesome! I love to hear my kids say they love school!

North Shore swimming
Saturday night was the Call Family reunion at North Shore. Our kids love swimming at North Shore. It is probably their favorite thing to do in the summer. This year all 3 took swimming lessons. Carter and Cambree are getting to be quite the little swimmers. It is nice to go and swim and not have to worry about them as much. Carter swims all over the place and loves to go down the water-slide over and over. Carter and Cambree both love the lazy river. We like to chase each other and play tag. We had a lot of fun swimming. We also got to see a lot of friends that we had not seen in quite a while, because it was NICU night. (Anyone that ever had babies in the NICU, get together every year for a reunion). Anyway, I am sad that summer is almost over and swimming will come to an end for a little while.

Monday, August 24, 2009
Carter's first day of 2nd Grade!
I can't believe School started today. I was happy to see that Carter was so excited to go back to school. He was so excited to put on some of his new school clothes and his new backpack this morning. It is pretty weird to have 2 kids in elementary school now. Cambree starts kindergarten next week and she has Mrs. Heaton. We love Mrs. Heaton. She was Carter's kindergarten teacher and she was awesome. Carter is excited to have Megan Funk for his teacher. Megan actually went to school with our sister-in-law Holly (Darrin's wife), and she also works down at Golds Gym in the Salomon Center with our brother-in-law, Kyle. I was just happy to hear all the women in the ward say that Mrs. Funk was the best 2nd grade teacher and that we were lucky that Carter got her. She seems really awesome and she has a fun blog (I put a link to it from our blog). Carter is really excited to have her and is excited to see all of his friends again.

Cambree - No more tonsils!
Cambree had her tonsils out last wednesday. Hopefully, she won't snore anymore! She was pretty kranky the first couple of days, but she is pretty much back to normal. She has loved eating all the popsicles that she wants. It is nice to know that Carter and Cambree both have had their tonsils out. In a few years, we will get Calee's taken out. If you are reading this and have kids, do them a huge favor and get their tonsils out while they are young. The older you get, the worse it is to recover from. I had mine taken out a few years ago, and it was one of the worst things I have ever had to go through. Anyway, here are a few pictures that I took before the surgery and then while she was in the recovery room.

Monday, August 10, 2009
Happy Birthday Cambree! We love You!
Cambree turned five years old yesterday. It is fun to watch our kids grow, but they are growing up way too fast. Cambree starts kindergarten this year! We had a big party at our house yesterday and had lots of family and friends over to celebrate. Cambree got lots of cute clothes and fun toys this year for her birthday. She even got a pink wiggle car! Our cousin Megan made Cambree an awesome birthday cake. It was a perfect day! We love you, Cambree and hope you had a wonderful birthday!

Weber County Fair!
Our kids love the Weber County Fair. They look forward to it all summer long. We end up spending every night out there with family and friends. Our kids love to see all the animals, they love the carnival, and all the games. Carter even won a live frog this year (no, we are not too thrilled), but he is excited about it. We pretty much did all there was to do at the Fair more than once. We ate lots of delicious food, watched the ATV derby friday night (no I wasn't in it this year. Kyley and I took this year off!) We watched the demolition derby Saturday night and it was awesome! We had a very fun weekend together as a family.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Field of Honor
We took our kids to The Healing Field this last weekend. It's a display of 5,000 flags that honor our troops. The display was setup at the Fairgrounds. The flags were placed in a giant field in the shape of the United States. Along with the flags was a traveling replica of the Vietnam Memorial. It was an amazing sight. Very sombering. It made me stop and think about my freedom. Our kids didn't quite understand what it all meant, but they thought that it was pretty cool.

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