Thursday, February 3, 2011

Carter and the haircut!

Many of you know that Carter decided to grow his hair out this summer. With much hesitation, we decided to let him give it a try. He has had long hair for the last six months (and it has been driving Christy and I crazy for the last six months). Carter has had his moments where he looked cool with long hair, but overall we still prefer it short. He is too active and sweats too much to have long hair. Not too mention it was so messy and out of control in the mornings before school. I threatened to cut it when basketball started, but never did. Finally, the other night we coaxed him into wanting to cut his hair. We didn't force him into it, but made sure that is what he wanted to do. I couldn't believe how different he looks with short hair again. He looks like a little boy again. He says he likes having short hair again, and we are glad to hear him say that. Hopefully he will want to keep it short.... Here are some before and after shots...
 Carter the "shaggy dog"

 Look at all this hair! We could make a wig out of it!
Our handsome boy!

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